Mark Distribution: Total Marks: 100 (Theory: 60 +Practical: 40)

Theory Syllabus

Unit 1. Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices 1.1 Yoga : Etymology, Definitions, Aim, Objectives and Misconceptions. 1.2 Yoga : Its origin, history and development. 1.3 Guiding principles to be followed by Yoga practitioners. 1.4 Principles of Yoga. 1.6 Introduction to Yoga practices for health and well being. 1.7 Introduction to Shatkarma: meaning, purpose and their significance in Yoga Sadhana. 1.8 Introduction to Yogic Sukshma Vyayama, Sthula Vyayama and Surya Namaskara. 1.9 Introduction to Yogasana: meaning, principles, and their health benefits. 1.10 Introduction to Pranayama and Dhyana and their health benefits.1.11 Astanga Yog. Kriya Yog., Yogic Diet, Concept of NADIS,  Concept of KOSHA, Concept of CHAKRA, Kundalini Energy, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Therapy, Mudra Therapy, Details of Acupressure Therapy.Magnet Therapy, Seed Therapy.

Practical Syllabus

Demonstration Skills   (YOGA)

 1 Prayer:Concept and recitation of Pranava and other hymns.

2 Shat Kriya: Yoga Cleansing Techniques Knowledge of Dhauti, Neti and practice of Kapalabhati.

3 Yogic Sukshma Vyayama and Sthula Vyayama a. Yogic Sukshma Vyayama (Micro Circulation Practices) Ÿ Neck Movement Griva Shakti Vikasaka ( I,II,III,IV) Ÿ Shoulder Movement Bhuja Balli Shakti Vikasaka Purna Bhuja Shakti Vikasaka Ÿ Trunk Movement Kati Shakti Vikasaka (I, II, III, IV, V ) Ÿ Knee Movement Jangha Shakti Vikasaka (II-A&B ) Janu Shakti Vikasaka Ÿ Ankle movement Pada-mula shakti Vikasaka – A&B Gulpha-pada-pristha-pada-tala shakti Vikasaka b. Yogic Sthula Vyayama (Macro Circulation Practices) Ÿ Sarvanga Pushti Ÿ Hrid Gati (Engine Daud)

 4 Yogic Surya Namaskara

 5 Yogasana: 5.1 Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Padahastasana, Kati Chakrasana, Trikonasana 5.2 Dandasana, Sukhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana, 5.3 Bhadrasana, Mandukasana, Ushtrasana, Shashankasana, Uttana Mandukasana 5.4 Paschimottanasana, Purvottanasana 5.5 Vakrasana, Gomukhasana 5.6 Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Makarasana 5.7 Pavanamuktasana, Uttanapadasana, Ardha Halasana, Setubandhasana 5.8 Viparitakarani, Saral Matsyasana, Shavasana,

 6 Preparatory Breathing Practices 6.1 Sectional breathing (abdominal, thoracic and clavicular) 6.2 Yogic deep breathing

7 Pranayama 7.1 Concept of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka 7.2 Anuloma Viloma/Nadi Shodhana 7.3 Shitali (without Kumbhaka) 7.4 Bhramari (without Kumbhaka)

8 Understanding of Bandha 8.1 Jalandhara Bandha 8.2 Uddiyana Bandha 8.3 Mula Bandha

 9 Understanding of Mudra 9.1 Gyan Mudra/ Chin Mudra, Akash Mudra, Prithvi Mudra, Bayu Mudra, Apana Vayu Mudra, Surya Mudra

10  Yoga Nidra

Point of Saitica Pain

point of Kidney

  1. Point of High Blood Pressure

Point of Blood Sugar

  1. Point of High Cholesterol
  2. Point of Migraine 7 Headache

         Points of Lungs, Cold Cough

Point of Shoulder Pain

  1. Point of Lower Back Pain
  2. Point of Heart Dieases


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